Danny “Hurricane” Halmo, who wears a Flash costume while driving his electric bike across Canada, stopped in Red Deer on the weekend. (Photo by SUSAN ZIELINSKI/Advocate staff)

Danny “Hurricane” Halmo, who wears a Flash costume while driving his electric bike across Canada, stopped in Red Deer on the weekend. (Photo by SUSAN ZIELINSKI/Advocate staff)

LETTER: Grateful to be Canadian during this crisis

Minor inconveniences are saving many of us north of the 49th Parallel from the horrors of this virus

Dear Editor,

I just want to thank our elected officials, on every level, for taking such decisive action in response to this terrible COVID-19 situation.

The low incidence of affected people are a true testament to this universal action.

As well, [thanks to] my fellow Canadians in following these new and life-disturbing guidelines, all of which – despite certain hardships – are proving effective in protecting all of us from this random horror.

RELATED LETTER: Are Langley’s wildlife following #StayAtHome and self-isolation?

The minor inconveniences of not being able to return empties or waiting a few minutes outside in line to get in stores are relatively minor compared to the suffering should one get infected.

So, I for one, will not complain about this social distancing – no matter how long it takes.

We are so blessed that we don’t have to endure the lack of leadership and misinformation the poor unfortunate people to the south of us do.

So here’s to Canada, our home and native land!

Danny Halmo, Langley

MORE ABOUT HALMO: World-record traveller loses ebike to Langley thief


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Langley Advance Times