LETTER: Great support for Shimmy Mob

LETTER: Great support for Shimmy Mob

This event was organized and the donations to the Women’s Transition House were given in Ele’s memory,

I am very happy to report on the success of the Shimmy Mob event that happened at locations around Mission on Saturday, May 14. We raised $603.16 and received about 20 pounds of personal hygiene items to donate to the Mission Women’s Transition House

My thanks go out to Donna Gibson of the Mission Farmers’ Market, to Jim Shaw at Save-On-Foods, and to Stephanie Key at the Mission Leisure Centre for giving us a space to dance, and to Jolene at Starbucks (Junction Mall) for the complimentary thirst-quenching beverages!  Thank you very much for supporting this fundraiser.

Heartfelt thanks go to Ele Anthonysz’s friends and family who came out to watch us dance and to those folks who just happened to be in the right place at the right time to watch us dance and show their support through generous donations.

This event was organized and the donations to the Women’s Transition House were given in Ele’s memory,

Heartfelt thanks also go out to Vicki Rogers for gathering donations, to Jackie Aitchison for managing the music and introducing the event, to Wanda Fairbairn for taking photos and video of the event, to Gina Albanese for joining Shimmy Mob and videoing the performance at the Farmers’ Market.

Finally, thank you to my sisters in dance who brought in donations and who spent hours learning the choreography for this event: Elaine Hall, Kinsey Knights, Tammi North, Jennifer Willems, Pat Wingfield and Brenda Verhoven. Thank you all very, very much. My heart feels a little bit lighter because of you.


Lori Maginnis



Mission City Record