B.C. Green Kelowna West byelection candidate Robert Stupka.—Image: contributed

B.C. Green Kelowna West byelection candidate Robert Stupka.—Image: contributed

Letter: Green candidate says he’s ready in Kelowna West

Kelowna West Green candidate Robert Stupka will host a townhall meeting tonight

To the editor:

As the busy Christmas season winds down this is a great time to reflect on the conversations we have had with our loved ones of different ages and places in their lives. It’s one of those rare chances we engage with people outside of our daily circles and learn how others are really doing, and to hear their hopes and dreams for the New Year.

Over the holidays I have had the chance to meet many people in the Kelowna West riding in advance of the coming byelection.

You might not be surprised to hear that, on the doorstep of our riding, entire generations feel they have been left behind and are asking, ‘How will I ever afford housing or child care?’

Some people are feeling frustrated with the sudden resignation of Christy Clark forcing a fourth election in four years.

One of the big motivations for me to run for the BC Greens in Kelowna West is because we need a voice more concerned for the future of the region, than political gain. The Greens are for fiscally responsible, evidence based policy no matter where on the political spectrum the ideas come from. As a professional who has worked on projects related to provincial and local issues this is important to me; it is how we will get the best outcomes for all British Columbians.

The BC Greens also now have a big influence on government. Another BC Liberal MLA will not have much of an impact in the legislature, another BC Green member would.

With your support this will be a transformational and Green New Year!

Andrew Weaver and I look forward to hearing from you at our Town Hall this Thursday at the Westbank Community Centre at 7 p.m.

Robert Stupka, BC Green Party Candidate, Kelowna West


Kelowna Capital News