Letter: Guidelines for a successful town hall

Letter: Guidelines for a successful town hall

Send your letters to editor@oakbaynews.com

After years of residents’ pleadings, Oak Bay mayor and council have decided that now could be the time for a public meeting to provide a forum for questions to be asked and answers given.

It seems that what may have prompted this decision – this turn of events, was a town hall meeting held by a community group, Oak Bay Watch. The large hall was at capacity, the audience was engaged and issues surfaced that required further discussion. As a resident I look forward to a district-sponsored meeting where more residents can become involved with the concerns of Oak Bay. But only if three conditions are met: An impartial and experienced facilitator be retained, preferably from another municipality; rules be set and announced by the facilitator at the outset to ensure decorum and serious and respectful dialogue; and there be an open microphone for questions that mayor and council may opt not to answer.

Graham Ross

Oak Bay

Oak Bay News