LETTER: Gun legislation session not welcome

A letter to the editor by Barbara Hooper

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To the editor,

Our M.P., Cathy McLeod, is holding a Town Hall meeting on Nov. 17, 2018, here in 100 Mile House, specifically to invite a fellow Conservative, Bob Zimmer, MP for Prince George-Peace River-Northern Rockies – to speak about, among other things, his desire to have the restrictions taken off the semi-automatic (assault rifle) PRO AR15, here in Canada.

This is the rifle that has been used in many mass shootings in the U.S.

What is Cathy McLeod thinking of? What in the world is a retired nurse, who should have a sense of the value of human life, doing supporting such a stand?

My husband and I live on a hobby farm in the middle of the woods, surrounded by Crown land.

We have poultry, a dog and a cat. We own a rifle to use, in emergencies, to defend our animals and to protect ourselves against bears and cougars.

In 25 years we have only had to shoot warning shots.

Farmers and ranchers use rifles as a tool, not for entertainment. I am not against owning firearms.

The PRO AR15 has only one purpose: to kill people, and to kill many over a short period of time. That is why mass murderers use them. Need I say more?

Barbara M. Hooper

Forest Grove

100 Mile House Free Press