Letter: Hair-brained idea to restore Mission Creek’s meander

"While new parkland is always an urban good, any proposed redevelopment of that parkland is an item of major additional expense…"

To the editor:

Re: New parkland purchase for restoration of Mission Creek meander.

How exciting! Kelowna City Hall is now committed to spending our hard earned tax dollars to fight nature by re-channeling and re-diking creek waters to “old natural boundaries.”

Just what are the “old natural boundaries” of a meandering stream? Who are the bright lights who have come up with this scheme? Who are the bright lights at Kelowna City Hall who have bought the idea without thought or question?

Well it does sound like a good idea if you stop at the buzz words; “new parkland…historic restoration…green space… etc.” But did anyone look beyond these attractive buzz words to see reality? While new parkland is always an urban good, any proposed redevelopment of that parkland is an item of major additional expense that must be well thought out to be merited. Looking beyond the buzz words in the selling of the “meander option,” it is clear that ‘the King is without clothes.’

As anyone with a smattering of knowledge knows meandering of a water flow is a natural process comparable to the flexing of an unsecured water hose. Over time most waterways will tend to straighten somewhat, particularly in following the path of least resistance. This process results in ever-changing boundaries with the accumulation and leveling of alluvial plains. The Fraser River Delta is the prime example in this province.

“Historic boundaries of a stream” therefore have no meaning beyond a decade by decade variable. But never mind, our trusted councillors have apparently bought the hair-brained idea hook, line, and sinker. Never mind that there are no monies to complete existing parks, such as the much needed Cedar Avenue lakeshore park. We can always increase taxes!

Please think twice before you spend once. This is a humble plea to the powers that be from yours truly, an overburdened taxpayer.

Marguerite Beverley Sisett,  Kelowna


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