Letter: Hall Road well water is just fine thank-you

We don't need the city water and taxpayers don't need the additional tax burden

To the editor:

The Hall Road subdivision uses a well for their domestic water needs. Over the past 15 years, while we have lived here, we have never had a boil water advisory. Longer term residents would probably confirm there has never been an advisory while we have been on the well.

SEKID has used the excuse in various forums that if there was a fire (which there hasn’t been either for at least 15 years) the volume of well water may be insufficient to their needs and they would have to tap into the same system used by East Kelowna/Gallaghers and agriculture and that may contaminate our system.

We don’t need the city water and taxpayers don’t need the additional tax burden to convert Hall Road.

If our well runs dry for firefighting purposes then they could tap the city water they’re going to install in East Kelowna/Gallaghers.

Leaving Hall Road alone with our well will also reduce the millions of gallons the new plan will extract from Mission Creek and the lake. This may reduce the fish and game concerns as well.

If the City of Kelowna says conserving water is their top priority then perhaps they will rethink using surface water vs. our perfectly suitable ground water.

S. Braybrook, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News