Surrey City Hall. (File photo)

LETTER: Hang onto your wallets

Reader asks when is a tax not a tax, but a levy?

The Editor,

When is a tax not a tax? When it is a levy. Surrey residents need to hang on to their wallets, we are in for a rough ride. No way Doug McCallum and his bandits can honour their promise to link tax increases to changes in the Consumer Price Index. Take Surrey tax dollars, divert them to the policing transition and then claim there aren’t enough tax dollars to fund ongoing amenities. Hence the new and improved parcel “levy.” A classic case of doublespeak. A big shout out to the NDP for making all this possible.

My thanks to city councillors Locke, Hundial, Pettigrew and Annis for representing the “little guy” in all of this.

B.C.’s senior level of government not only turned a blind eye but had the gall to suggest that 15 per cent of Surrey’s electorate voting for an un-costed platform constitutes the will of the people.

The province rammed the approval through. No checks and balances happening here.

Mike Bildstein, Surrey

Surrey Now Leader