LETTER: Haro Woods deer ‘fear’ a human-caused problem

This story is a perfect example of how people do not exercise common sense and contribute to the deer issue

Re: Haro Woods deer a hazard for drivers, News (Nov. 26)

This story is a perfect example of how people do not exercise common sense and contribute to the deer issue.

The first human error was dumping the apples. But I wonder if it was on purpose, not to feed but possibly to poison the deer or ensure they can be targeted at that spot, which is a danger to people and deer caused by people.

The second error was people complaining about it instead of doing something, like removing the apples and having someone speak to the property owner(s), which probably would have resolved the problem they’re complaining about.

The third error was bringing up the subject of vigilante action against the deer. I’m tired of self-appointed executioners getting any undeserved print time in the papers or on the news.

The forth error was blaming any of this on the deer.

I am angered and shamed by our using many creatures to show the “beauty” of our Province in tourism promotions and photography, including deer, bears, wolves, eagles, cougars, geese, etc., yet some try to viciously wipe them out when there’s money to be made or malicious fun to be had by killing them, or when deer are blamed for any inconveniences.

Comparatively, the human species is the real danger!

Janet Cass



Saanich News