Letter: Harper gov’t just adds to our debt load

One area where the Harper regime could save is in its shameless self-promotion at taxpayer expense.

To the editor:

Regarding your article on the differing views of our Conservative MP and the Liberal candidate on the federal budget [Stretching the Credibility of Balanced Budget Claim, April 29 Capital News], it is clear, as always that Ron Cannan can faithfully recite PMO talking points, which in the case, are designed to get us to believe that the Harper government has a record of sound management of the economy despite accumulating the most debit of any government in our history throughout its seven years of budgetary deficits.

As Stephen Fuhr points out, the “balance” claimed by Cannan is indeed smoke and mirrors.

Canada would still have a huge deficit when one discounts the the fact that Mr. Oliver has dipped into EI and contingency reserve funds and has again postponedoverdue major expenditures in defence procurement, infrastructure investment, climate change mitigation as well as in indigenous housing, education and health care—all of which will come back after the elections and will tip the budget back into serious deficit.

One area where the Harper regime could save is in its shameless self-promotion at taxpayer expense—such as those ads during the hockey games—which now have addedalmost $1 billion to Canada’s debt load.

Stan Gooch,  Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News