Letter: Harper has one ambition–retain power

Harper's message: Ask what my government can do to buy your vote, not what my government should do for the good of our country.

To the editor:

Will there be an eerie likeness in your mirror?

President John F. Kennedy inspired his nation with an ingenious idea: ”Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

The Conservatives’ latest budget proves Prime Minister Stephen Harper is an unimaginative man with one selfish ambition—retaining power. His unspoken message to Canada’s Conservative-leaning minority is simple: Ask what my government can do to buy your vote, not what my government should do for the good of our country.

Divide and conquer is an effective military strategy for warlords, but not for nation builders or international statesmen.

Harper’s Senate appointee, Mike Duffy, is currently on trial for fraud, breach of trust and bribery. Most Canadians are appalled by his scandalous behaviour, but how many of us would resist selling out our principles if we were offered a bribe?

If we vote for Stephen Harper and his cronies based on the ‘goodies’ they put in their budget, we should see an eerie likeness of Mike Duffy (or Pamela Wallin) when we look in a mirror.

You can do something for your country the next time you vote. You can send a message to Stephen Harper that you are fed up with his antagonistic, manipulative and corrupting style of governing.

Lloyd Atkins, Vernon

Kelowna Capital News