Letter: Harper said it backwards

Recently, Prime Minister Stephen Harper stated that “the CBC hates Conservative values.”


Recently, Prime Minister Stephen Harper stated that “the CBC hates Conservative values.”

He was trying to justify continuous funding reductions for the CBC in Conservative budgets.

I agree with him in one respect.

The CBC practices very different values than he. The CBC has to practice transparency and accountability and admits error when wrong.

Conservatives sadly fail in this aspect, whether it be on F35 procurement, the Senate, Veterans Affairs Canada, climate change policy or murdered First Nations women.

The CBC invites scientists to report to the public and they always provide both sides of the argument if possible.

The Conservatives muzzle the government’s own scientists and the research they conduct that you and I pay for.

Good examples of conservative anti-science are: we don’t need comprehensive census data to make good policy decisions for Canada’s future, or the tar sands will have no significant effect on climate change.

They consistently fail to enforce Canada’s Species at Risk Act because they don’t accept the scientific importance of biodiversity and healthy ecosystems.

The CBC, in their programming, also practice true regard for Canadians and the problems they face. In contrast, the Harper Conservatives seem to believe that well over 1,000 First Nations women being murdered does not warrant their personal attention and is just another crime.

Conservatives treat wounded veterans with disrespect. Harper regularly implies that environmentalists, like the Raging Grannies, are terrorists and their concerns are groundless.

Consider the Conservative’s lack of action on doctor-assisted suicide and disdain for same sex marriage.

The CBC would be charged if they misled the public on purpose. Not the Conservatives.

The Conservatives say they are taking good care of our veterans, the environment, our rights.

Consider their Senate fiasco. Since Harper cannot unite Canada around a truly Canadian vision, he is now trying to unite us in fear, of terrorists and Muslims.

In actuality, according to the CBC, more Canadians were killed by pythons last year than by terrorists.

Perhaps Mr. Harper should have stated “he” hates the CBC because they are consistently exposing his true values.

Considering the many times the Supreme Court has squashed his decisions, it would be more appropriate for him to say he hates the Supreme Court of Canada for protecting our Charter of Rights, not the CBC.

Tom Salley

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune