LETTER: Healing the Community

LETTER: Healing the Community

A town divided will never grow.

Re: Healing the Community

Creston is still a town divided and will continue to be divided as long as half of the citizens are not heard. Town Council has chosen to ignore and diminish the fact that half the citizens wanted an affordable fire hall vs the expensive design offered. The council has ignored hundreds of citizens and not listened to any of their recommendations or issues. The Council selected Johnson Davidson, presented the elaborate design at the first open house without adequate cost information or even dimensions on the drawings. All the citizens wanted was a design that fits a town of 5,000 people. Still, Council went marching forward with no care for what the majority of voters rejected in the first referendum. They appointed the ASC committee to slow walk back to the same location they wanted, a LARGER space program and the same Architect Johnston Davidson. When all is said and done you will get exactly what you want and the concerns of half the citizens are ignored.

Negotiations should result in a win/win outcome for all participants. Council may think it won this time but in reality, it lost. You have divided a town and it can’t heal while half the citizens are ignored and dismissed. I am not sure why the Technical Building Advisory Committee has even been convened. In the opinion of many, it will be a waste of money as there is nothing left for it to decide.

There are many seniors in Creston whom I have had the privilege to talk to and hear their concerns about being able to stay in their home. The financial burden of property taxes on these citizens is great and alarming. With the BC Assessments trending toward market value this will continue to put pressure on those who can least afford it. I have heard from some other citizens who are planning to sell their homes this coming year and move elsewhere due to the perception that Town Council really does not care about their needs, wants and desires. Don and I will also be putting our house on the market in the spring. When, and if, it sells we also intend to move away from Creston. If Council wants to heal this town and grow it for the future you need to listen, hear and act for ALL citizens. A town divided will never grow.

Debbie Cherkas | Creston

A Concerned Citizen

Creston Valley Advance