Letter: Health care—Wait your turn like everyone else

It is called a waiting list and no person should be able to buy their way to the top.

To the editor:

In response to Joseph Bycuik’s letter. (Pets Can Access Treatment Faster Than People, July 22 Capital News)

Every person is hugely affected by the word cancer, and wants treatment ASAP but, unfortunately, there is a list.

It is called a waiting list and no person should be able to buy their way to the top.

That’s what is great about our health care system.

I was diagnosed with cancer so I know how hard it is to wait. What about the people who do not have an extra $200. Are they not as important?

You should take your extra $200 and go visit the cancer clinic, I’m sure you’ll find a person who could really use it.

P. Hussey,



Kelowna Capital News