Letter: Hear about the guy at Kelowna curling club?

That was me. Flat on my back, blood pooling around my head, it seemed like all the curlers in the whole rink gathered around me

You might’ve heard about the guy who almost left some of his gray matter on the ice at the curling rink Friday night.

You might’ve heard about the guy who almost left some of his gray matter on the ice at the curling rink Friday night.

To the editor:

You might’ve heard about the guy who almost left some of his gray matter on the ice at the curling rink Friday night. Well, that was me. Flat on my back, blood pooling around my head, it seemed like all the curlers in the whole rink gathered around me to make sure I was OK. Cradling my head, putting blankets on me and under me, while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. “What’s all the fuss? I’m OK. I think I can get up,” I whined.

But to no avail. They would not let me move. I felt a real, genuine concern for my well-being. That was a very good feeling.Thank you to all those curlers who helped me and made sure I was OK. I really appreciate it. And thank you to my team for seeing the humourous side of this event. I know I will never live this one down.

Then the ambulance attendants arrived. A very friendly, supportive and professional group of people. I really felt like I was in good hands.

They gave me a thorough examination, bandaged my head and stayed with me for about 30 minutes to make sure that I was fine. Then they gave me the option of whether or not I should go to the hospital.

I chose not to because I was not feeling that bad. Thank you ambulance attendants for being so caring and professional.

So, to my new curling friends, I’m sorry for disrupting your games, and more importantly to the team we were playing, it pretty much finished off our game. I asked them if we could take the win since I bled for the team. They just chuckled and said goodbye.

Next Friday night, if you see some guy curling wearing a bike helmet, that’s probably me.

Richard Knight, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News