Letter: Heartwarming coincidence for couple with charitable Christmas light display

Editor: The support of our new City of Langley has been amazing, and we thank everyone who has come out to see our Christmas display — Wish Upon a Star — and help to support BC Children’s Hospital.

This is one of many special moments we are privileged to have that I wanted to share:

I don’t usually go out front when the display is lit as people seem more comfortable wandering around without the homeowners there, but I do go out occasionally to replenish the hot chocolate and other supplies.

Tonight I popped out to refill the hot chocolate and there was a woman looking at one of the posters that BC Children’s Hospital sends me to display.

When she saw me she said, “That’s my son,” and brought Hudson over to meet me, as he is the child on all the posters I have displayed.

It was a total coincidence, as they were just visiting Christmas light displays in Langley and I am seldom out front.

It was a very touching experience for both myself and his mother, and really special to meet the child whose picture we have displayed all over our house.

Hudson has cystic fibrosis so unless there is a cure, he will be cared for by BC Children’s Hospital for his entire childhood.

Hudson has become the one special child for this year that will motivate us to make the display even better for next year.

He has found a place in our hearts forever.

Many people ask us why we put so much time into putting up the display and this is just one story of many that answers that question — it really is all about bringing joy to children at Christmas and helping in a small way to give them a healthy future.

Merry Christmas.

Carla Fraser

and Brad McLean,


Langley Times