LETTER: Helicopter noise worse than motorcycles

I greatly empathize with the citizens who are campaigning against the steady flow of noisy motorcycles on our highways and byways.

LETTER: Helicopter noise worse than motorcycles

I greatly empathize with the citizens who are campaigning against the steady flow of noisy motorcycles on our highways and byways. I agree that undue loud noise is a pollution, an irritation and even a health hazard.

From our home in Rosemont, not far from the highway, we can hear the traffic noise quite steadily. And it is an annoyance, the loud motorcycles being the worst.

But I have to say that the noise from the motorcycles is far less annoying then the thunder in the skies from endless helicopters. Today, Saturday (!) several very loud helicopters zoomed right over the city before landing down by the airport.

In fire season, it can be far worse, when helicopter after helicopter can pass all day, and at dusk they seem to be roaring past for at least an hour straight.

How do we have a major helicopter landing site in the middle of a population zone? I often hear airplanes as well, and the trains for sure, but topping the motorcycles and everything is the much louder roar of helicopters.

I understand helicopters are economically important and key in keeping us safe from fires. But do we need to host them in the middle of town?

Keith Wiley, Nelson


Nelson Star