
Letter: Help after the fire much appreciated

There is a lot of uncertainty at this stage

Help after the fire much appreciated

My partner and I moved into The Four Cedars last month. The second floor unit pictured in your article is our home.

My understanding from the fire marshall, as well as first hand experience on the night, is that the fire originated in the unit below us. It spread very quickly, flames and smoke were in our unit and up the outside stairwell by the time we were able to evacuate.

There is a lot of uncertainty at this stage. We have not heard if we will be able to enter our place, let alone try to salvage anything. We have no idea how long it might take the strata to rebuild.

On the other hand — and more importantly — we are incredibly fortunate to have our health and safety. Our hearts are with the boy who was injured and with his family. We heard his condition is improving in hospital and wish a full and fast recovery. In the midst of all this, we would like to say a huge thank you to the emergency support services that responded and provided support to everyone through these first couple of days. It has been a much-needed calm in the storm and so appreciated!

Leisel Gerein


Cowichan Valley Citizen