To the editor:
It has come to my attention that our government has plans to cancel funding support for Giving In Action’s Family Fund—an extremely important fund administered by an organization that does great work, serving the betterment of all our communities across B.C.
It enables Canadian families supporting children with special needs, to gain or maintain independence in the ability to care for their children at home rather than having to rely heavily on our health care system and tax dollars.
As a professional serving in the medical mobility industry, I’ve seen first hand, on many occasions, the great impact Giving in Action’s funding support has had on families.
Not only does it give them the ability to independently care for their children, it enhances their quality of life which improves the mental health of everyone involved.
Several clinical studies have been conducted which inarguably conclude that there is a direct correlation between mental health and physical health. To summarize, independence = quality of life = mental health = physical health (= less cost to our health care system = more tax dollars to support other important government programs).
As a taxpayer, I support Giving in Action in its mission and would continue to do so.
Instead of considering our cost to support this program, we need to consider the huge savings this program provides to our health care system.
One day in a hospital or care facility can easily cost taxpayers $1,000 or more, 25 days or less in a hospital or care facility is of equal value to the amount Giving in Action commonly allows each family for product or service provision, which can go on to provide for years of use value.
Regardless of what medical provision is funded, it’s clear that eliminating this program will cost us tax payers millions more than what’s allegedly being saved, in associated health care costs. Penny smart and pound foolish would be a fitting description.
This issue affects all of us and I’m urging everyone to write a letter to their local MLA and/or Don McRae, the minister of social development and Innovation at to express their concerns.
Thank you for your support.
Clint Ponte,
Sidewinder Conversions & Mobility,