LETTER: Herbicide use on school grounds questioned

According to the June 3 letter from Rosemarie Townsend about seeing a groundskeeper spraying a herbicide on the edge of Sooke Elementary School property, she was rightfully concerned. Hats off to her for taking the time to let us all know.


According to the June 3 letter from Rosemarie Townsend about seeing a groundskeeper spraying a herbicide on the edge of Sooke Elementary School property, she was rightfully concerned. Hats off to her for taking the time to let us all know.

Several years ago, Transition Sooke’s pesticide education working group was officially informed that no herbicides are used in the Sooke School District. Obviously, that is no longer the case.

It seems apparent that there should be no herbicide or pesticide use on any grounds where children are playing.

If the school district insists on using herbicides on school grounds, do they have any safety policies in place? Are they letting parents and teachers know? Are they putting up signs indicating where they are or will be or have already sprayed?

Jo Phillips

Otter Point

editor@sookenewsmirror.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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