LETTER: Here piggy, piggy

LETTER: Here piggy, piggy

Langley Animal Protection Society has many offers to adopt Teddy after his story was shared.

Dear Editor,

Re: [An 800-pound pig needs a forever home, Langley animal shelter says, Dec. 12, Langley Times]

Quote: “Langley Animal Protection Society(LAPS) believes Theodore will fit in at a farm with other animals.”

Yes, he will. Why the doubt and six month delay at LAPS finding a farm?

Six months collecting LAPS welfare and indecision about a hog who escaped a farm (and his destiny) shows confusion at LAPS.

I urge LAPS to find a farm.

Or better, phone a local livestock transporter and arrange to have Theodore delivered to Fraser Valley Auctions on 56th Avenue for their popular Saturday livestock sale.

Ask auctioneer Ken Pearson if he’ll announce the proceeds of the sale are to be donated to help fund our underfunded Langley schools’ breakfast program for our undernourished kids. Also, ask Ken and the trucker if they’ll waive their fees.

Sadly, we seem to be losing our way. I ask readers to follow Theodore.

Larri Woodrow, Langley



Editor’s note: Theo was in care for six months with no offers. After the TIMES story, LAPS received more than 30 offers from Maryland, PEI, Alberta, and Ohio as well as the Lower Mainland. Staff are screening candidates and expect Theo to have a new home by the new year – maybe Christmas.

Langley Times