Letter: Here we go again

Kelowna is one of the most desirable tourist destinations in Canada.

To the editor:

From where or whom and why does the thinking arise that putting another building on our wonderful parkland will be a great benefit for the residents of and visitors to our spectacular Kelowna?

I submit that by far the majority of the residents of Kelowna oppose the construction of any buildings in our parkland that obstruct our magnificent view of the lake in any way, from any angle.

Kelowna is one of the most desirable tourist destinations in Canada.

We do not need to be so desperate that we dedicate a premium waterfront location as a visitor centre to maintain tourism.

People come to see the valley and the lake, not a visitor information centre.

Kelowna continues to see spectacular growth in both the residential and commercial areas with construction away from the lake and park and there is a lot more in the planning stages.

I urge council to stay away from the park and the lake and reject this rezoning application.

Walley Lightbody, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News