Letter: Heritage Credit Union is a true heritage

Our local branch is an essential part of our cultural experience here and need to be recognized for that, writes John Hibberson.

In February 2014, Midway Little Theatre and its sponsoring society, the Midway Community Association, began an exciting project—the creation of a new theatre space within the Midway Community Hall.

The project is a large one. It meant finding funds for a new curtain, a sound system, an extensive lighting system and many other items necessary to the space.

The theatre project was given much support by our local government agencies and foundations in working toward achieving the goal. They realized the importance of having a theatre in the community and generously responded.

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, the Village of Midway, the Phoenix Foundation, the Midway Partnership Fund and several other groups all proved willing to help.

However, a new stage was also required, one which would be strong but highly portable. Such portability is essential, for the community hall was still to be used for many activities besides theatre. Unfortunately, these items are also very expensive. In this case the 16’x 24’ stage needed was almost $15,000. Finding the funds to purchase it seemed impossible.

Heritage Credit Union stepped in. Heritage Credit Union believes that supporting the communities in which they reside is not only a financial duty but a social one. Each Heritage Credit Union has set aside funds specifically to donate to local groups that wish to improve the lives of their citizens.

When Midway Little Theatre approached Heritage they were told that as much as the credit union would like to purchase the staging in its entirety, it was impossible. For one thing, it would more than exhaust the funds set aside each year. Even more important, it would also mean Heritage would be prevented from helping the many other groups who wished their financial assistance.

They didn’t turn the theatre aside. They volunteered to financially support purchasing the portable stage not in one year but spread over three years. It was an incredible offer, one Midway Little Theatre immediately accepted.

The theatre would use some older wooden staging they had as well as the metal staging purchased each year. This would create the needed 16’x24’ stage. Gradually the wooden staging would be replaced as new metal platforms arrived.

Over the last three years Heritage Credit Union has given us a total of $14,100. This March we receive the last cheque.

The theatre space is now up and running. Though it still needs much work to turn it into a first class theatre, the space in the Midway Hall is functioning quite well. In late May we intend to present our fourth production.

I believe it is important that our local community realize that Heritage Credit Union is not only a much needed financial institution for our area—they are part of our community itself and stand firmly by their mission statement, “to help you find that special place where dreams can grow.”

Our local branch is an essential part of our cultural experience here in the Boundary country and need to be recognized for that. They are a heritage indeed.

– John Hibberson, Director,

Midway…and Beyond Little Theatre


Boundary Creek Times