Letter: High density construction requires more city parks

This has become especially relevant as most of the new residential developments have very small homes, condos or apartments.

To the editor:

With regard the current proposal of city-owned lakefront properties on Abbott Street,

I truly believe the entire property should be a park. Over the next few years the existing houses should be removed, it should be improved as per Gyro and Kinsmen Parks and the Abbott Street improvement should be extended all the way to Watt Road.

In my opinion, to allow commercial development of any kind, on the west side of Abbott Street, would be counter productive to all we have tried to accomplish in creating waterfront access to the growing population of the entire community.

This has become especially relevant as most of the new residential developments have very small homes, condos or apartments due to perpetually increased building costs in relation to taxpayers’ ability to pay for mortgages and leases.

The key to sustaining our community is to ensure access to the one resource the city can truly provide—waterfront parks.

Tom Treadgold,



Kelowna Capital News