LETTER: Highway speed limit has increased

The posted speed limit along the highway portions of Summerland has increased.

Dear Editor:

It has come to my attention recently that the posted speed limit along the highway portions of Summerland has increased. This is along the corridors of Upper Town and Trout Creek, with an increase from 60 km/h to 70 km/h.

I had originally thought of researching my response to this, but instead have decided to go off the cuff.

Here are my thoughts:

The areas involved have increasing residential use and family housing.

The areas involved have steady and increasing town traffic entering and exiting the highway.

The areas involved have Agricultural Land Reserve businesses along the highway, and in the summer this can be reflected in busy recreational vehicle parking along the roadway.

Jubilee Road access to the highway would likely not pass as a safe access to Highway 97 if it were designed in today’s engineering environment. (It is somewhat blinded by the hill.)

Most traffic on the highway drives at around 10 to 15 km/h above the posted speed limit.

Increasing speed corresponds to increased accidents and injury.

Who are the Philistines making these decisions that affect us?

Perhaps some fools among us did not like slowing down, but isn’t this a stupid reason to compromise safety?

I’m looking for someone in charge to protect us from ourselves, but they seem to be missing in action.

Paul Girard



Summerland Review