
Letter: Hire someone to sort recyclables

Forget the current unworkable system

Hire someone to sort recyclables

I have lived in several jurisdictions in Canada and never have I found a more complicated system for recycling than here in the Cowichan Valley. “Does it go in the blue box or not?” is a constant question and I suspect if it doesn’t, much of it ends up in the landfill.

So, a suggestion for the CVRD people making the rules in this area. Forget the current unworkable system. Stop going around putting stickers on blue bins and stop threatening to ticket people. Let people throw all recyclable materials in the blue bin from paper, bottles, styrofoam and so on. Then go out and hire some of the unemployed in the region to sort the material into whatever configuration the CVRD wants therefore eliminating so much stress for all concerned. If other jurisdictions can do it, why can’t we?

James Galt

Cobble Hil

Cowichan Valley Citizen