
Letter: Hire someone to sort recycling

Somehow having thousands of residents driving to drop off stuff seems counterintuitive

Hire someone to sort recycling

I could not agree more with Don Richardson’s letter regarding recycling.

It has never made any sense to me to have a pick up for recycling but then we are expected to take plastic bags, Styrofoam, light bulbs, batteries and glass to the Return-It or such.

Somehow having thousands of residents driving to drop off stuff seems counterintuitive to the whole idea of recycling, reducing pollution etc.

I am sure that it may even be possible to make it a self-supporting exercise with pickers and sorters working on lines to pick out certain items and divert them to the appropriate area.

Providing work for some people has a lot of merit. We are always talking about providing this and that, maybe working to earn those things may not be a bad thing at all.

There appears to be people up at Bings Creek that direct drivers in gas cars where to put their stuff, while the large trucks dump off their stuff unsorted.

I am no expert on the processing needed etc. and the kind of facility but somehow our brilliant engineers etc. can identify and design methods to handle recycling.

We simply cannot continue to ship it elsewhere and hope that it does not end up in the ocean or such. Or put it in our landfill sites (somehow seems like an oxymoron; we are filling our land up with useless non biodegradable, often single use material) and as we have seen in the past that may well come back to haunt us in the future.

Glenn White

Shawnigan Lake

Cowichan Valley Citizen