Letter hits the mark on climate change

"There seems to be people out there in the guise of environmental protection that are destroying it not protecting it."

Thank you Mr. Watson for the real information (“The exoneration of carbon dioxide” Trail Times Dec. 4).

Too much gross misinformation is causing more damage to the climate if there really is. When there are 151 countries sending 151 leaders in 151 large jumbo jets with 700 others to Paris to hammer out how to use less fossil fuel, I suppose they all walked home to put feet to their conference.

Climate control (taught in elementary school 60 years ago) is by solar flares and sunspots. We have no control of that. Has that somehow changed because somebody has decided so? If politicians figure they are above that then they have a problem way beyond themselves. (They think they are God or something?) We also learned that there was a catastrophic global warming to cause the ice age to recede to north and south. I don’t recall that people or fossil fuel had any power over that.

This CO2 (carbon dioxide) which we were also taught had the greening and growing of plants. If this is diminished as the world leaders want, we will have the biggest global famine ever. No food for people, cattle, wildlife.

There seems to be people out there in the guise of environmental protection that are destroying it not protecting it. It also seems a lot of people follow stupid and expect us to fall in line with these lies.

Fossil fuel is now the new gold standard. The fall and crashes in our world economy is directly related to the OPEC market. Let’s wake up and see what Mr. Watson has said is the truth or we are going to self-destruct.

Vic Friesen,


Trail Daily Times