Letter: Holiday in Mexico a delight at every turn

We walked everywhere and never were we harassed or bothered.

To the editor:

With all the hype regarding violence and shootings in Mexico, we had a wonderful month in Mexico in February 2014.

We flew Westjet to Puerta Vallarta, stayed two nights in old Hotel Rosita right down town.

After that, we hopped on the bus to Melaque, a five hour ride through the countryside seeing the real Mexico and its people in daily life.

We had seven nights in a small, well-kept beachside hotel, Pablo de Torso. All our meals were eaten in small hole-in-the-wall Mexican eateries, a different one each time. We were not sick at any time.

Next, we hopped into a taxi to go to Barra de Navidad for 14 nights at Hotel Delfin—across from the lagoon and fish market.

Everyone was very friendly and polite. We swam each day at the local beaches and all meals were eaten out locally.

We took the local buses to other small villages with remote beaches to explore the areas.

Police and military were visible each day and I said hello and waved to them as they passed by with a smile.

We rented bikes and rode all the streets to have a good look at local life. On the buses and in the streets we noticed the “family affair” as we took notice of how well cared for the children were.

We walked everywhere and never were we harassed or bothered.

There were 90 per cent Canadian and 10 per cent USA tourists. I assume that Homeland Security has scared the Americans enough to stay home?

Next winter we will seek another Mexican vacation with all small hotels in mind and a new locations to broaden our experience.

Jorgen Hansen,



Kelowna Capital News