LETTER: Home delivery still needed

As a veteran with mobility problems I am told that unless I have a letter from my doctor I have to hobble to my new mailbox.

Canada Post is right on track. After they began implementing the cancelling of home delivery in some of the Calgary suburbs, Canada Post has the temerity to start advertising in TV ads extolling their efficient parcel post and the service offered to Canadians.

These changes are said to be in order to save money by reducing operating costs even though Canada Post showed a second quarter profit of $42 million in 2014.

This is a thinly disguised reason to sell postal franchises to their friends in the private sector.

These changes are nothing less than union busting by creating fear in the minds of all  government employees that they could be next.

As a veteran with mobility problems I am told that unless I have a letter from my doctor I will have to hobble to wherever my new mailbox is located to get my mail! Many thanks to the government for giving Canada Post carte blanche to implement these changes that will disrupt the lives of all Canadians.


Chuck Clarkson


Nelson Star