LETTER: Hometown Hockey and mayor praised

Another letter writer takes issue with a Walnut Grove man's jabs about the jersey.

Dear Editor,

I thought we have more pressing issues to deal with than the jersey our new mayor Val was wearing at the Hometown Heroes event.

As a diverse country with many ethnic backgrounds and a love for our country and sports, we all have someone or something we cheer for.

I thought it was bad judgment on your part to publish a Vancouver Canucks fan view on something that was nothing but a huge success for the City of Langley and an extremely well organized event.

Big thanks to staff and volunteers that worked the event.

Wear what you want. I saw jerseys from across the NHL. It was a hockey event. I’m sorry if Mr. Lofgren wasn’t happy about mayor Val not wearing a Canuck jersey but the Oilers have won the cup a few times more than Canucks. Her dad was a scout for the Oilers and so that’s her team, and good on her to be proud to be a fan of her team.

Dale Nordal, Langley City

• Letter about mayor’s Oilers jersey

Langley Advance