Letter: Honoured to sell poppies

After I pinned a poppy on their collar, I sensed a real pride within them as they walked away.

To the editor:

Once again, I have had the honour and privilege of volunteering for the Poppy Drive. At Save On Foods the past two days, I was very proud of my fellow Canadians. People came toward me with a smile and a great attitude. After I pinned a poppy on their collar, I sensed a real pride within them as they walked away. It was special, I can tell you.

They are short of volunteers once again and there is still several days to go. If you feel that you can give a few hours to the cause, please call the Legion. And there is always next year that you can sign up for. I guarantee that you will have fun and will be helping a worthy cause.

Both my parents were in the army in World War 2. My dad died young from war-related trauma, leaving mom to raise three kids on her own.

We Canadians have so much to be grateful for and can only imagine what these people have endured for our freedom.

Hilary Maranda, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News