LETTER: Hopeful once again

I like to send the Abbotsford News a sincere thank you for their superb coverage of the Abbotsford municipal elections...

I like to send the Abbotsford News a sincere thank you for their superb coverage of the Abbotsford municipal elections. It truly gave a good insight into what mayor and city councillor hopefuls are made of.

Abby News editor, you did the voting public a great service indeed. Along with many others, we do thank you for that.

It was pure pleasure to read the ideals of Mayor Henry Braun and new councillor Ross Siemens suggesting doable sensible quick action in solving critical and urgent issues like the homeless problems.

I do hope the new council will revisit the proposed expansion for the homeless on Gladys Avenue. There are two schools in the block across the proposed site, a daycare three blocks down the road, and various families trying to raise their young children in the densely populated area.

It seems a welcome breath of fresh air has hit the council chambers.

Abbotsford citizens are hopeful once again.

Gertie Pool, Abbotsford


Abbotsford News