
LETTER: Horse poop on the beach

From reader Debbie Bayoff

Many locals and and visitors from everywhere have enjoyed the Slocan River beach at Storbo Road and Highway 6. It is one of the few well known beaches in our area.

Last week we found a lot of horse poop on the beach. Last Saturday, July 31 at 4:30 p.m., while many were enjoying the beach, two young girls in bikinis rode horses on to the beach. They went into the water, where their horses pooped while people were swimming there. They did not apologize or attempt to clean up and simply rode off. I’m not sure if the owners of those beautiful horses knew of their riders total disregard of those who regularly enjoy that beach, not to mention the poor people sitting immediately next to the horses. I have to believe the owners did not know this was happening.

It’s common for owners of dogs to pick up poop of their dogs. Visitors or children riding horses are no different. Please show some respect to our community.

Debbie Bayoff


Nelson Star