LETTER: Horses do not belong at beach

Summerland Council seems to be following in the footsteps of Penticton Council – they know best and to heck with citizen concern.

Dear Editor:

Summerland Council seems to be following in the footsteps of Penticton Council – they know best and to heck with citizen concern.

Allowing lake access for horses at a public beach is about the dumbest thing I have heard of in a long time.

This is not Australia with its miles of beaches that aren’t used by the public because of safety concerns but can by used by riders and horses.

The salt content of the ocean water can also have a healing effect on wounds.  Such is not the excuse here.

In fact, the relative lack of movement of our lake water allows horse effluent to remain in one area for some time.

If Summerland riders want to get their horses wet, they could just as well use a garden hose.

I live in a “horsey” area and the roadway frequently has nice large turds put down by the horses.

Their riders make no attempt to clean up after themselves.

The is also true of the Cartwright flume trail that I use nearly every evening.

Where is the bylaw needed to force riders to clean up after their horses?

We are fussy about dog owners, as we should be, to make them clean up after their dogs.  Why not horse owners?

I, for one, wouldn’t allow my kids to swim in a beach frequented by horses.

Frank Martens



Summerland Review