Letter: HOV lanes faster by a second to next light

…is it not obvious that the so-called HOV lane is actually the shopping lane with all the exits to and from businesses?

To the editor:

You’re scared and mad, Mr. Collinson, as well as many other Joe Rich residents. (Highway 33 a Road that’s ‘Scary as Hell,’ Feb. 4 Capital News.) Well, who wouldn’t be, if, instead of lowering the speed limited from 90 to 80 km/h Victoria increased it to 100? And all you got was a lot ‘political-double-speak’ over three years.

Why do you and we all have to endure such stupidity and arrogance from Victoria? And that applies to the ridiculous HOV lane as well which, after six years, is now ‘timed.’

I could not believe when some city councilors got exited in 2009 and suggested-carpooling, as if this would save the world. Any sensible motorist, who is not shopping, would use the middle lane anyways.

Murray Tekano, of the Ministry of Highways even suggested we ‘get a friend.’ Meaning that my wife should ask me, or a friend, to go shopping with her just so she would not have to fear ‘the law’ for staying in the HOV lane through one stoplight to the next store to shop?

How many tax dollars did it cost us taxpayers on airfare, hotel and food and how many people were involved to study and conclude, that the HOV lane moves 1.2 to 2.9 km/h faster than other lanes? What a discovery.

The Ministry of Highways established that vehicles in the HOV lanes get about one to two seconds faster to the next red stop light. That’s it.

Furthermore, is it not obvious that the so-called HOV lane is actually the shopping lane with all the exits to and from businesses?

It would be interesting, Mr. Collinson, to ask a class of 10-year-old’s what they think of our in Victoria-created situations? I also wonder, if a judge could be found who would have a fine stayed, if one could explain that one’s shopping priorities have changed while in the HOV lane, and decided safely to stay the course?


Gunther Ostermann, Kelowna



Kelowna Capital News