Letter: HOV lanes in Kelowna a joke

…could the government stop wasting money until the economy recovers and we can afford to give you extra money to waste?

Open letter to Murray Tekano, senior project director, B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure):

I just read that this government has installed 13 HOV signs at a cost of $91,000!

What a waste of taxpayers’ money.

The HOV lanes in Kelowna are a joke in the first place. Reducing the times of usage was a great start to removing them completely, or so I thought.

Throwing more money at this useless endeavour that is ignored by most of the travelling public is so typical of excess waste of public money by all levels of government.

With the cost of everything going up could the government stop wasting money until the economy recovers and we can afford to give you extra money to waste? Right now we need every penny just to pay for the basics.

Carol Rogers, Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News