LETTER: How hard is it to hold the seeds?

I’ve been out to dinner at many places in town with my parents who have been diagnosed with diverticulitis and who cannot eat seeds.

For the most part, our restaurants go out of their way to include items on their menu which reflect our  dietary needs and restrictions.  However, there is a dietary restriction that many of our seniors have and this restriction is not reflected on many menus in town; in fact, many restaurants are unapologetic for not catering to this dietary need — I’m talking about seeds.

I’ve been out to dinner at many places in town with my parents who, like many others, have been diagnosed with diverticulitis and who cannot eat seeds.

My mother loves a good salmon burger but many places in town have replaced seedless buns with those containing flax seeds and sunflower seeds.

Many restaurants in town carry gluten free, wheat free, low sodium, and vegetarian items. How difficult can it be to have a few bags of seedless buns/bread in the freezer?

H. Jenkins,


Nelson Star