Letters to the editor can be sent to editor@wltribune.com

LETTER: How many times have you been ID’d?

I truly hope people are respectful at businesses now that the vaccine passports are in effect…

Dear Editor,

I truly hope people are respectful at businesses now that the vaccine passports are in effect.

Getting ID’d at a liquor store, pub, nightclub or cigarette counter has been common for decades. Showing proof of vaccination while we are in a pandemic is hardly any different.

It is unconscionable but not surprising that threats have emerged online toward establishments. Moderators and adminstrators of online groups and pages have a duty to deter commenters from such nasty behaviour. Every business can’t have a bouncer at the door to protect employees and patrons from uncivilized guests.

Hopefully this is just a lot of hot air and in the end we reach our goal of 90 percent or more folks vaccinated so that this virus and these issues can start to fade into history.

Chris Alemany,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News