LETTER – If this bear kills my goats, it will be his final meal

Dear editor,

A black bear has been attempting to gain access to a man’s goats in Black Creek. Photo supplied.

A black bear has been attempting to gain access to a man’s goats in Black Creek. Photo supplied.

Dear editor,

Miracle Beach Blacky has become a regular visitor to our goat pen. So far there has been no harmful physical contact. Judging by one of the pictures we took of him, I estimate him to weigh at least 100 pounds more than any of our goats. As he failed to make any lasting positive impression, the goats have decided that he is most definitely not their friend and does not have their best interests at heart.

Judging by the tone of our dogs barking we believe he has been close by at least five times and we have pictures of him in the enclosure twice. Now if I was a goat I would feel relieved to see two conservation officers show up with a bear trap. The relief however was short-lived; the bear trap was located and set beside a chicken house next door. Mind you, there was a report of the death of two chickens, which may or may not have happened.

Either way the goats were left “whistling Dixie” and wondering how to convince Blacky that he should try next door. The fact that no one seems to care about them, even though they have been on the front lines since the beginning, they can accept with equanimity. The truth being told purebred Toggenburg goats couldn’t give two hoots for a couple of no account chickens.

Whatever is fair?

If a goat dies we will be having bear steaks next winter and yes we will invite the conservation officers.

Terence Purden,

Black Creek

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Comox Valley Record