Letter: IH can’t get restaurant health notices posted

I went to the Interior Health website and was surprised to see that the latest [restaurant health safety] report was from December 2012.

To the editor:

After watching the latest episode of Marketplace: Canada’s Restaurant Secrets, I wanted to see how our local Kelowna restaurants faired in terms of health safety.

I went to the Interior Health website and was surprised to see that the latest report was from December 2012.

I followed up with a phone call to them and found out this was due to some internal database issues they had when moving to a new system.

I find this to be totally unacceptable. Diners in the Interior are completely in the dark as to finding out which establishments are safe to eat in.

The Marketplace report praised the easy to see window displays in the Toronto restaurants—Green for Pass, Yellow for Conditional, and Red for Fail. This is a model for other cities in North America.

We can only hope for such a system to be put in place here. At the very least, I would hope for an up-to-date report that we, the general public can view to make informed decisions as to where it is safe to eat.

Ironically, both my wife and I got food poisoning two days later when we dined out for Easter brunch.

Harry Kaufmann,


Kelowna Capital News