A Surrey reader said he went for a quick walk the other day and is furious about these photos he took along the 10-block route. (Photos submitted)

A Surrey reader said he went for a quick walk the other day and is furious about these photos he took along the 10-block route. (Photos submitted)

LETTER: I’m sick of seeing trash everywhere I go in Surrey

Reader says he sees garbage on roads, garbage on sidewalks, garbage in parks and garbage at schools

The Editor,

I moved to Surrey nearly two years ago and I am sick and tired of walking everywhere just to see garbage.

Why is this allowed? I know the city is supposed to clean it up by why are they not cleaning it up successfully? Where is the money that goes into this? What are they doing with it that they can’t hire a bunch of people to clean this up?

It is awful.

I have already complained to the city about garbage everywhere in parks.

I have also complained to a school about garbage being everywhere, as I had to walk my grandchild there daily and felt I was walking him through a garbage dump. I asked the principal if she took pride in her school.

Once when there was a lot of trash where the kids line up (it was there for a week), I had to walk into the school and tell the secretary that someone will get sued if a kid falls in that trash and hurts themselves.

I had to write the school board about it and the city again before that trash actually got cleaned up – and there were a lot of mad parents about it.

I am sick of it!

I am a very frustrated Canadian.

D. Hall, Surrey

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