Letter: Important stretch of sidewalk in need of attention

Writer A.L. Simpson says the walkway along 200 Street, between 36 and 42 Avenues has been severely neglected by the Township

Editor: It dawned on me today that I’ve been paying my taxes as a Brookswood resident for over 40 years.

It amazes me that in those 40 years the Township of Langley has not managed to make a safe sidewalk on one of the busiest streets in the Langley.

I walk along 200 Street between 36 Avenue and 42 Avenue regularly. The sidewalk is severely neglected and it  cannot fit two people side by side.

It is uneven, with telephone poles in the middle and the part that does show is partially covered in needles, grass, and litter.

With this information I have to ask myself how does the Township propose to grow the area?

They aren’t able to maintain the area for the current residents.

I think parts of Brookswood should be cleaned up and developed, but not before we have proper infrastructure in place.

Are sidewalks too much to ask?

I think the residents of Langley are tired of watching our elected council try to play catch-up with our safety.

A.L. Simpson,


Langley Times