LETTER: In favour of the Kinder Morgan pipeline — an open letter to the Prime Minister

"I believe this project will turn the page for our youth and restore their optimism for a strong economy and a bright future."

LETTER: In favour of the Kinder Morgan pipeline — an open letter to the Prime Minister

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau:

With regard to the pending decisions on the Kinder Morgan pipeline, I feel compelled to add my concerns to the discussion.

A few thousand protesters in Vancouver and the Mayor of Vancouver do not represent my views or the views of tens of thousands of other BC residents or hundreds of thousands Canadian residents who are in favour of building the Kinder Morgan pipeline. I am near retirement age but I am deeply concerned with the future of employment for the youth of today. Many have good skills and most have the desire to work at building something that benefits everyone by providing immediate employment for our youth and long-range economic opportunity.

I believe this project will turn the page for our youth and restore their optimism for a strong economy and a bright future.

I am well educated and experienced in engineering and geology. I believe I have a fairly solid comprehension of the risks and benefits of building this pipeline. I understand there are going to be some impacts and some inherent risks. However, like most great projects that have made Canada a great modern industrial society, the benefits far outweigh the risks. I trust you and your cabinet will make decision based on considerations for the future of all Canadians, rather than a vocal minority.

Dave Cherry

Nanaimo, BC

Nelson Star