LETTER: Inaccuracies seen in gun control rebuttal

LETTER: Inaccuracies seen in gun control rebuttal

There is so much false news and misrepresentation that it would take a dozen pages to respond to all

Dear Editor:

I am responding to the total misinformation in the letter “Gun bans will not prevent mass murders” from Charles Lopez, Summerland Review, April 25.

The letter is full of falsehoods, inaccuracies and misrepresentations from beginning to end. Looks like something written jointly by the NRA and Donald Trump.

READ ALSO: COLUMN: Good people, bad people and guns

READ ALSO: LETTER: Gun bans won’t stop mass murders

There is so much false news and misrepresentation in the letter that it would take a dozen pages to respond to all of them so I’ll respond to just two.

First the Kennesaw reference is just NRA and Alt-Right falsehoods.

Yes, Kennesaw did pass an ordinance that “sort of” required all households to have guns and ammunition (there so many exceptions it was meaningless.) But it was never enforced, nor was it intended to — it was a political reaction to a gun ban in a neighbouring community.

And it is totally false that the crime rate went down immediately after it took effect. See Snopes.com for more detail.

Secondly the claim about the Australian gun ban is totally fabricated — the crime rate actually went down after the huge Australian buy back of guns. Again, go to Snopes.com for more detail.

We continue to have a growing gun problem in Canada, and irresponsibly spreading this nonsense around is just making the situation worse.

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