LETTER: Incongruous Jumbo

LETTER: Incongruous Jumbo

From reader Rowena Eloise...

My government contact person in the Mountain Resorts Branch tells me there are lengthy high level discussions going on between government and the proponent of the Jumbo Glacier Resort proposal-that-refuses-to-go-away. Eco-Justice says the situation presently existing is that the government says since the ‘substantial start’ was not achieved all the licenses and tenures are invalidated too.

Not so, insists the proponent who asserts these licenses and tenures should apply to the new scaled down resort they plan to build, and, it will not be subject to an environmental assessment as it will be less than 2,000 bed units. However, thus far, no new plan has been submitted.

Incongruous as it seems, the Master Development Agreement (MDA) of the resort-that-was-not-substantially-started is still in place. As is the municipality, which put in a new bridge across Jumbo Creek to the “resort side”… go figure, eh?

Rowena Eloise

West Kootenay Coalition for Jumbo Wild

Nelson Star