Letter: Info centre in City Park lame idea

I sincerely hope wisdom will prevail and logic will allow this off-base proposal to die a peaceful death.

Open letter to City of Kelowna Mayor and


I am not a resident of your fair city but am a periodic user of City Park, which I consider to be a gem.

As such, I would like to express my deep disappointment in the fact that any serious consideration is being given to erecting a tourist information centre and the roadways that would be necessary within City Park.

With the public use of Internet services for much of this type of research and thus less need for such an elaborate structure, I would have thought the idea would have died on first airing.

Also, the thought of putting in additional roadways and parking, as suggested, just seems so very wrong-headed in your major green space. Just the awkwardness of access should have been enough to kill such a suggestion.

A more suitable location for any tourist information centre would be out near the airport, as has been suggested by others during this discussion.

The suggestion also to remove the lawn bowling green, I find equally wrong-headed and short-sighted on the part of planners.  This long-established green appears to be well used and has been well maintained by this respectful club. Leave it where it is!

I sincerely hope wisdom will prevail and logic will allow this off-base proposal to die a peaceful death.

Donna Campbell,

West Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News