LETTER: Insurance for everything

No fault car insurance, when it was proposed, lots of people thought that it was impossible and ludicrous...

No fault car insurance, when it was proposed, lots of people thought that it was impossible and ludicrous. What about disaster coverage? None.

House insurance, if you have any, covers only what the Insurance Companies pick and choose. Following recent disasters in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec many people lost their homes and some lost all of their belongings. House insurance did not pay because: Act of God. House and property insurances have to many clauses for: Do Not Cover. When there is a disaster, who pays the bill? We do, us the tax payers. Therefore, the B.C. Government should have an insurance in place to cover all of its residents that file a tax return. It could be called: The B.C. All Coverage Insurance.

Minimum premiums of $100 for $100,000 coverage, need more coverage? Then $200 for $200,000 and so on. Home owners would pay a lot less house insurance premium. Everyone that files a tax return would be insured. Low income would be covered and their premium deducted from their tax rebate. Very little cost to the government as the infrastructures are already in place. The Minister of Finance (Hello Mr. de Jong) would collect over one million dollars a year. We would all be winners.

Roger Boivin

Abbotsford News