LETTER: Internet slow in Garnett Valley

I have a home office like many people and most of my work requires a much higher speed than 2.5 mbps

Dear Editor:

In reference to an article by John Arendt from June 12, 2013 apparently Telus was planning on spending $3 million over three years to bring fibre optics to Summerland for high speed internet.

Well I have news, it is 2018 and we live 1.5 kilometres up Garnett Valley and can see the downtown area, yet our internet download speed hovers around 2.5 mbps.

In talking with Telus (once again) this is the fastest speed available and unless residents complain it will not be upgraded in any of their plans. The Telus upgrade plans only apply to major centres and not to rural areas as they would like us to think (unless there are enough complaints.)

We pay for an internet plan of 15 mbps (it’s the biggest plan available in this area — even though we have never seen anything above 3 mbps) and according to Netflix basic video streaming requires a minimum download speed of 3 mbps.

I have a home office like many people and most of my work requires a much higher speed than 2.5 mbps — so according to Telus if we want to see this service upgraded in Garnet Valley the only way this will happen is to complain, so please in the interest of a service that most other parts of the world take for granted fill out this form,

The link is https://fibre.telus.com/iwantfibre/

As members of this community we look forward to the support needed to get Telus to upgrade this antiquated system.

Robin Mounsey


Summerland Review