LETTER: Introduce a proportional voting system next election

In the last federal election, 61% of voters wanted someone else in government.

There is something inherently wrong with the first-past-the-post voting (FPTP) system when a political party, with 39% of the votes, can form a majority government and make 100% of the decisions.

In the last federal election, 61% of voters wanted someone else in government. Our voting system, since World War One, has produced 16 majority governments with only four actually winning a majority of the popular vote.

This flawed governing structure has an impact on parliamentary decision-making and our democracy. For example, the Conservatives have extended and expanded Canada’s military mission in Iraq and Syria despite opposition from the NDP, Liberals and Greens. While these parties have fewer seats than the Conservatives, they represent far more voters – in fact, two million more voters.

Added to those without voice are Bloc Québécois supporters. They have no MPs in the House despite garnering 889,788 votes in the last election. That was 6% of all votes cast nation-wide, yet no voice in Parliament.

The NDP tabled a non-binding motion last year, calling on Parliament to end FPTP voting and introduce a proportional system after the next election. The motion was defeated by a vote of 166 to 110, with the Conservatives voting unanimously against it. Joining the NDP in voting for the motion, were Green Party MPs, other independents, and more than half the Liberal caucus.

Disappointingly, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau voted against the motion.

Perhaps the October federal election will be the last unfair election and 2019 the first one conducted under a truly democratic electoral system.


Shane Dyson


Abbotsford News